

Surprises change our reality.

The good kind, like a surprise birthday can take us from “I’m having a quiet dinner with one friend” to “looks like I’m having a party with 30 of my friends”.

The not so good kind, like a big client, deciding they no longer need our services can take us from “there are plenty of projects for us next quarter” to “coolcoolcool, we need to step up our business development.”

In both cases, in order to navigate what’s happened and move forward, we must accept the circumstances of our new reality.

Consider how odd it would be to ignore the 30 friends throwing us a surprise birthday party and pretend we were still having a quiet dinner with one.

When faced with a surprise, then, a good question to ponder is: what’s my new reality?

Originally published at on November 8, 2020.



Peter Shepherd

Pete is the Founder and Director of Human Periscope: helping others see things they can‘t by asking questions others aren’t.