Your next meeting

Peter Shepherd
Oct 11, 2020


Is it about “getting everyone on the same page?”

Or “providing an update”?

Or “sharing a progress report?”

If so, it’s worth noting these are merely ways of passively sharing information.

Passively sharing information can easily be done in an email, Slack message, voice recording or video. In fact, that’s precisely what these mediums are for.

Meetings, on the other hand, can be reserved for active participation and connection.

That is to say:

What if we did away with the slide decks and reserved meetings for human connection?

For checking in and asking: what’s it like to be you right now?

For real-time brainstorming and collaboration?

Might we start to enjoy connecting with our peers, rather than loathing another one-way business update?

Originally published at on October 11, 2020.



Peter Shepherd

Pete is the Founder and Director of Human Periscope: helping others see things they can‘t by asking questions others aren’t.